Brand Book
Color influences our perception and is a means to transmit sensations
Our color palette is now more emotional and intense; represents our wealth of cultures and brands.

The most important consideration regarding the use of color is looking after the contrast to ensure readability.

The primary color is Alsea blue.

The secondary palette consists of four ranges with different tonal values: light, medium, dark and neutral.
Colors and reproduction codes
Use PMS only if the material will be printed in direct inks
Complementary colors
These are the color combinations permitted by Alsea:

a) Mix of complementary colors (two colors)

b) Mix of the color palettes (3-5 colors)
Color palettes
We have established the following guidelines to ensure legibility and use of color:
  1. Golden rule: take advantage of complementary color combinations
  2. Do not combine light with light colors
  3. Do not combine medium with medium-toned colors
  4. Do not combine dark with dark colors
  5. The text on light colors must always be Alsea Blue
  6. Text on medium and dark colors must always be white
  7. Apply the golden rules to featured texts and main messages that are not part of the text of a publication
The use of gradients is established only for backgrounds and must be created transversally.

Like the use of backgrounds in solid colors, it is essential to ensure care of legibility in all applications.

The established gradient palette is as follows.