Brand Book
1. Messages
Define the objective of your communication piece, media and target.

Write short, catchy, clear and easy-to-understand copy.

Complement it with additional specific texts that add value to your objective.

Use the warm and friendly tone of voice that defines us.
2. Images
Choose images that support your communication objective.

The lighting is natural.

Choose images of spontaneous moments with the presence of brands / products.

The photography must comply with any of the three established categories.
3. Shapes
The shapes must be large.

They should never form borders or textures.

Do not use forms that are not described in this manual.

Remember to follow the grid formed based on squares.

Do not use fragmented or distorted shapes.
4. Background
Choose the color combination according to the established guidelines.

Gradients will always be created from the top corner to the opposite bottom corner.
5. Color
Choose combinations of complementary colors or colors chosen from the color palettes.

Remember not to mix other colors that are not part of the established color palettes.
6. Icons
The iconography must be used to support communication messages.

They should never be used as decorative elements, forming textures or as the main element of your communication piece.