Alsea Logo

happiness and experiences full of flavor


Integrated Annual Report

Integrated Annual Report 2023
starbucks iced coffee on the counter


At Alsea, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer experiences while being committed to operating in a sustainable manner that generates value for the company, our team, and the communities in which we operate.

Founded in 2004 as a non-profit organization, Fundación Alsea A.C.'s mission is to deliver happiness to vulnerable people and communities through sustainable social investment that promotes food, education and employability security.

Lines of action and organizations
with which we collaborate

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Food and Gastronomy

Education and Employability

Education and Employability

Community Development

Comunity Development

Disaster and Emergency Support

Disaster and emergency support

Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture

Va por mi Cuenta of Fundación Alsea A.C. was born in 2012 to contribute to the eradication of food poverty in Mexico.

The movement currently serves 22 children’s soup kitchens managed by strategic partners, such as Comedor Santa María A.C., Fondo para la Paz I.A.P., Save the Children, Huellas de Pan A.C. and La Red de Bancos de Alimentos de México (BAMX).

Although the project originated in Mexico, we are pleased to say that other countries where we have a presence have joined the effort, replicating the model locally.

2,366,693 beneficiaries
during 2022

Awards, acknowledgements
and sustainability initiatives

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At Alsea, distinguishing ourselves as a responsible and sustainable company, working with the best industry standards and leading the sectors and markets in which we participate, is the result of many years of effort to achieve and validate awards and relevant hallmarks.

These recognitions guide and lead us toward corporate best practices in social, economic and environmental matters and reaffirm our commitment to excellence in everything we do.

Since 2011 we have adhered to the United Nations Global Compact, the most important corporate sustainability initiative worldwide. This adhesion represents the adoption of ten universal principles, related to the defense of Human Rights, Labor Standards, the Environment and the fight against Corruption.
Global Compact
As of February 1, 2013, Alsea is part of the Sustainable Quotes and Prices Index, which is a financial indicator that the Mexican Stock Exchange created to highlight Mexican companies in the environmental and corporate governance areas.

This achievement was possible thanks to the actions, plans and programs that the Company has implemented in every country where it is present, showing its commitment to protecting the environment and to the quality of life of its employees, promoting an ethical business culture, and contributing to the development of the communities in which it operates.
Since 2012, the Mexican Philanthropy Center (CEMEFI) has awarded us this distinction that highlights our performance in five pillars of sustainability: quality of life, environment, ethics, community engagement and social responsibility management.
Socially Responsible Company
For our contribution to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market and our progress in the inclusion strategy obtained in the Labor Inclusion Index for people with disabilities.

É is a digital platform that promotes labor inclusion by linking companies and civil society organizations that provide services for the implementation of inclusion programs with people with disabilities. This year we received an award for our progress in favor of Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Mexico.
Since 2013 we have been listed on the Sustainable CPI (now S&P/BMV Total Mexico ESG Index), an index that aims to provide exposure to the Mexican market and boost the performance of companies that meet sustainability criteria.
Alsea has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) since 2018, in the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA), a benchmark index that measures the ESG performance of listed companies. For the company, belonging to this index means being recognized for the identification of risks and opportunities management on the economic, social and environmental forefronts, and for the value generation for all its stakeholders.
Dow Jones
Award issued by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC Global (S&P). This year we were included among the 10 Mexican companies of recent edition for our efforts in the pursuit of ESG development. It should be noted that we were the only Mexican company belonging to the restaurant industry that received the award.
The Sustainability Yearbook 2022