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happiness and experiences full of flavor



Alsea's Earnings Release 3Q 2016

By: Imanol Barrón
X Design
October 27, 2016

<div> Results and Important Events for the Third Quarter 2016</div> <ul> <li> Increase of 9.0% in Same-Store Sales in the third quarter</li> <li> Increase of 22.2% in EBITDA in the third quarter, achieving a 13.8% margin</li> <li> 3,093 total units in the portfolio, which includes 188 additional units compared with the prior year</li> <li> Net income growth of 41.0% in the third quarter</li> </ul> <div> MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> Alberto Torrado, Executive Chairman of Alsea, said: &ldquo;In the third quarter of 2016, we continue to see a positive trend in the consumer environment, which combined with the leadership and positioning of our brands together with our business strategies, enabled us to achieve significant growth in sales and consolidated EBITDA of the quarter. Same-store sales in the different markets where we operate continue to show increases despite the strong comparison base presented in the second half of 2015. A clear example is the good performance that continues in Domino&#39;s Pizza in Mexico, mainly driven by incremental transactions related to the mobile application, as well as the strong comparable sales growth registered in Burger King Mexico, which reached a mid-teens figure as a result of the efforts and strategies implemented in the architecture of the menu, pricing strategies, reduced turnover, remodeled units, among others. On the other hand, during the third quarter we successfully paid off the total amount of the unsecured local bond &quot;ALSEA 13&quot; with the resources obtained through two bank loans, both for a term of 5 years, which allowed us to improve the debt maturity profile of the Company, giving us greater flexibility to continue with our growth plan.&rdquo;<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> And finally, he added: &quot;Two years after having acquired Grupo Zena in Spain, we are very proud of the good performance that this business segment has presented until today, with an accumulated growth higher than 50% compared to the EBITDA considered at the time of the acquisition. It is also important to highlight the strong positive trend in the number of transactions we observed with Starbucks in Colombia, reason why we have reactivated our growth plan for the brand in this market, which allows us to provide the Starbucks brand experience to many more Colombians. We remain focused on meeting the results and goals we set for 2016, which will lead to not only ensure our future growth, but also to the constant improvement in the profitability of the Company.&quot;</div>

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