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happiness and experiences full of flavor

Coporate Integrity

En Alsea tenemos tolerancia cero cuando de corrupción y soborno se trata, actuando de manera profesional y ética en todo momento. Estamos comprometidos en adoptar las mejores prácticas de integridad corporativa con respecto a la información requerida por los grupos de interés.

Nuestro compromiso es realizar las actividades de manera ética y honesta, pues estos elementos son la forma correcta de hacer negocios, por lo cual, en nuestras operaciones queda prohibido todo tipo de corrupción y soborno, tanto en el sector privado como público. Todas nuestras acciones están apegadas a la Legislación Anticorrupción vigente en territorio nacional, así como a las normas aplicables a Alsea y sus marcas a nivel internacional.

In compliance with national legislation, we have developed the ALSEA Anti-Corruption Plan, which consists of the Anti-Corruption Policy, Code of Ethics, Organization Manual, an anonymous reporting system (Linea Correcta), Control and Audit Systems, such as anti-corruption clauses in our contracts, acceptance of the Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Certification signed by Providers and Human Resources Policy, which seek to avoid risk situations to the company. The Anti-Corruption Plan is mandatory for employees of all levels, managers, members and franchisees as well as subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers and business partners. Compliance of the Anti-Corruption Policy is constantly monitored by the internal audit area, as well as by external auditors.
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In an internal way, at Alsea we are concerned that all employees know the Anti-Corruption Policy and comply with each of its guidelines, and in turn each area is responsible for fulfilling the responsibilities based on the Anti-Corruption Policy, in order to achieve transparency in each activity carried out and reinforce the guidelines and adherence to this policy, every employee carries out training on anti-corruption matters annually.
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At Alsea, we are governed by a Code of Ethics, which in addition to being known by all employees, is also available for the knowledge of the general public on our website, this document contains Alsea's values as well as guidelines for Ethical Behavior and Conduct Guide for employees, suppliers and franchisees. The Code of Ethics indicates the applicable sanctions that allow to control in case of violations thereof, ranging from a reprimand, a report on the personal file and documentation of the failure, a commitment to a correction and improvement plan, an administrative report, work suspension, or termination of the employment relationship with the company and application of the corresponding legal sanctions.
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All acts of corruption and bribery are completely prohibited at Alsea; we will never give, offer or promise, directly or through third parties, any consideration to public officials, individuals, their relatives or friends, seeking to obtain an undue benefit or advantage. Based on the foregoing, no employee, supplier, strategic partner or third party acting on behalf of Asea; must request, require, accept, or receive any consideration from a government official or an individual to grant any benefit.
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In line with our Anti-Corruption Policy, we make it clear that accepting any type of gifts (meals, valuables, discounts, special attention entertainment, travel and travel expenses) either conditionally, for personal or family benefit; are forbidden, whether from suppliers, third parties and/or public officials, following up on this at Alsea it is prohibited to offer any kind of gifts with the intention of influencing or inducing the recipient to do anything that helps Alsea to ensure or maintain any improper benefit or undue advantage. In accordance with our Code of Ethics, employees can only receive corporate gifts, containing the company logo for a maximum value of 100 USD.
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In the case of donations, at Alsea we promote through Fundación ALSEA, A.C., different programs aimed at contributing to the community. Since receiving Donations is a vulnerable activity, at Alsea we always adhere to the applicable legislation.
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Any kind of political contributions are totally prohibited either directly or indirectly. At Alsea we prohibit spending to encourage or discourage the election of a candidate for political office. Corporate contributions to any organization for political purposes are prohibited.
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At Alsea we know that in the performance of the work any employee could have contact with government officials of any area for which at all times cordial and harmonious relations with these officials will be established in a strictly ethical manner, therefore, these relationships must comply with the regulations of the law and our anti-corruption policy.
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At Alsea we ensure that our suppliers and business partners comply with the anti-corruption policy in full and in compliance with current legislation, having as main guidelines the following:

  • Zero tolerance for any kind of bribery, corruption, extortion and fraud.
  • Providers or third parties who do business, manage or act on behalf of Alsea are prohibited from offering, promising, requesting, accepting or receiving any consideration directly or through third parties.
  • Report to Alsea any situation that constitutes, or could give rise to, a conflict of interest through our reporting line.
  • Suppliers shall not disclose any Confidential Information received from ALSEA that is known to them from their business relationship.
  • Annually sign the document called “Anti-Corruption Certification” and state that there are no conflicts of interest.
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According to ALSEA’s Conflict of Interest Policy, it is understood as a conflict of interest to compromise the personal judgment of decision-making of the person who occupies the highest organizational level, because their personal interests, those of their family, friends or third parties, or the interests of the person with whom the relationship is maintained, make the responsibilities of the position and the processes of the organization vulnerable. Therefore, it is also considered a serious misconduct when it is not declared in time.
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Regarding Money Laundering Prevention, we have Internal Policies with the corresponding rules for compliance and fulfillment of the obligations of the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin, its regulations and general rules.
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At Alsea we have a reporting system in a direct and anonymous way (Linea Correcta), the line is managed by an external consultant to have greater objectivity, reliability and confidentiality and is available to all employees, suppliers of Alsea and its brands, the same can be accessed through: Línea Correcta

In view of this, it is totally prohibited to retaliate against any person who reports, denounces or participates in a misconduct investigation.
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